Мы и производим, и продаем! Теперь у вас есть все необходимые вам машины, оборудование и инструменты в одном месте!
Note: The prices seen here are retail sales prices. Special discounts may apply to prices for bulk purchases. In addition, the discounted prices to be applied for dealers may be different.
Import duties and customs charges and value-added taxes for products originating outside of Turkey It is not included in the price. This applies to customers who will buy from within Turkey.
The prices mentioned here are not door-to-door delivery prices. For each country buyers who will buy in their own country they are responsible for the customs duty and other taxes to which they are subject according to their commercial laws.
Maximum tube bending capacity : 65 x 3 mm
Maximum bendin Radius: 250 mm
Minimum bending Radius: 100 mm
Servo rotation, servo feeding, hydraulic bending
3D simulation feature
Automatic bending feature by one foot touch
Maximum tube length (4000 mm)
15” PC touch screen
Able to see daily and total bending quantity
Multiple language option
Saving product to memory
Able to use automatic or manual by PLC control system
Maximum bending angle is 190°
1 year warranty
Automatic tube length calculation
Able to see errors on the screen
Security warning system
Easy to use by simple interface
Complies with CE norms
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