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Примечание: цены, указанные здесь, являются розничными ценами продаж. Специальные скидки могут применяться к ценам при оптовых закупках. Кроме того, скидки для дилеров могут быть другими.
Импортные пошлины, таможенные сборы и налоги на добавленную стоимость для продуктов, произведенных за пределами Турции. Они не включены в цену. Это относится к клиентам, которые будут покупать в Турции.
Цены, указанные здесь, не являются ценами на доставку «от двери до двери». Для покупателей каждой страны, которые будут покупать в своей собственной стране, они несут ответственность за таможенную пошлину и другие налоги, которым они подлежат в соответствии со своими коммерческими законами.
The Ellipse Bending Machine bends the ends of curved or non-convex lids, which are used to close the bottom and ceiling of low-pressure or non-pressure, thin-walled, non-cylindrical, metal containers in the industry. There is no hole in the center part of the cover.
Ellipse Bending Machine are machines designed for cutting and flanging flat and dished heads for tanks and others. Ellipse Bending Machine is capable of cutting and flanging elliptical, double D, round and any unsymmetrical shape. The Ellipse Bending Machine consists of two Working Heads, the cutting and Flanging Head. Both heads are operated from the same control unit in each head. It uses precise hydraulic tracking to fabricate oval shaped tank heads. Likewise, the Ellipse Bending Machine can produce round shaped tank heads. Ellipse Bending Machine is manufactured as a closed frame with a solid structure. The rotation speed is adjustable. Ellipse Bending Machine, main engine is welded with high quality steel plate, and vibratory aging process eliminates welding stress with high strength and rigidity.
The elliptic material that will be bended by press machine, is placed between hydraulic cylinders with number 1 and 2. Edge of the material that will be flanged, is placed between molds which are those one of them is fixed to cylinder number 3 and other one is stationary mold shown with number 4. The machine part which is shown with number 5, carried out bending process by hydraulic cylinder. Then, this process is made three or more times till expected values are obtained in accordance with thickness, depth and diameter measurements.
1. First of all, the elliptic material that bended by press machine, is placed between hydraulic cylinders with number 1 and
2. 2. After that, edge of the material that will be flanged, is placed between molds that one of them is fixed to cylinder number 3 and other one is stationary mold with number 4.
3. Hydaulic cylinder which is connected to part shown with number 5, is moved linear. Gearbox which is fixed the mold with number 4, is driven. And spinning process starts.
4. After first round finished, hydaulic cylinder which is connected to part with number 5, moved up some more. Gearbox is driven again and second round is begun.
5. Then, this process is made three or more times till expected values are obtained in accordance with thickness, depth and diameter measurements.
6. Bending process is carried out MANUALLY
Top shaft is driven by a hydraulic motor which is coupled to the planetary gearbox and spinning is carried out by gear system.
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